Scientific Department
of the
Armenian Roerich Society

The main activity of the scientific department of the Armenian Roerich Society is the study of the heritage of the Roerich family. 

Scientific and art history work is carried out to study the works of Nikolai Konstantinovich and Svyatoslav Nikolaevich Roerich. A lot of work is being done to gain a deeper understanding of the Teaching of Living Ethics itself and the epistolary section of the entire Roerich family. This knowledge is transmitted in educational lectures and seminars.

An important place in the activities of the department is occupied by work with youth and children.

There is a circle for the in-depth study of Living Ethics. The pedagogical department of the scientific department is engaged in methodological developments on the pedagogy of the future, based on the Teaching. International lectures and seminars are held remotely.

The head of the scientific department is Vadim Vaganovich Martirosov.